Spelman Connection is transitioning from a newsletter to a weekly brief to inform you of new happenings and helpful information related to our campus community. For more in-depth news on Spelman College, please subscribe to our newly relaunched Inside Spelman magazine here.

Notable Announcements

Join us for "Courageous Conversations: Black in the C-Suite," on Thursday, March 23, at 12 p.m. ET, in Spelman's historic Sisters Chapel.

President Helene Gayle will be joined by Kim Godwin, president of ABC News, for a conversation about
careers in the broadcast media industry and Godwin's journey to making history as the first Black woman to lead a major broadcast news network.

For more information, or to register for the virtual viewing, visit Spelman's Courageous Conversations Series page.
Join Spelman Pathways and The Sports Mental Health and Wellness Playbook for "Women in Sports Master Class," on Tuesday, March 21, from 5-7 p.m. ET, in Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby, Ed.D. Academic Center Auditorium.

For details and registration information, visit the Spelman Pathways Master Class Series page.
Take action! The Home Depot’s Retool Your School is back, and voting is open! Now through March 26, you have the opportunity to cast your vote and help Spelman College receive Retool Your School Campus Improvement Grant funding to upgrade campus infrastructure.

To learn more and cast your vote, visit Spelman's Retool Your School page.
Campus Highlights

In case you missed the relaunch of Inside Spelman, check out the College’s monthly digital magazine for a deep look at the people, events, and spirit of Spelman College.

In this issue, we continue to elevate stories of Spelman women who are changing the world. You can read one of these special stories in the March 2023 issue of Inside Spelman now.
Career Opportunities at Spelman

To apply, or to learn more about these and other positions, visit

Alumnae Highlights
Spelman College alumna KC Copeland, MBA, C'97, is shattering glass ceilings and making her mark as a trailblazer in the financial industry. Read her full story now.
Spelman Scenes
To view photos from recent Spelman events, visit our Flickr page.
Tell Us Your Story
Spelman College is known for educating global change agents who are leaders in the classroom, in the community, and in their careers. If you have an idea for a news story about Spelman faculty, staff, students, or alumnae, submit your story ideas to
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