August 18, 2022

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

Today at approximately 12:45 p.m., Spelman's internet service was interrupted. Spelman Technology Services (STS) has been in touch throughout the day with our internet service provider, AT&T, to identify the root cause and resolve the problem. As of this writing, AT&T has not identified the root cause, nor have they provided a timeline for service restoration. However, they are working with us to find an expeditious solution to this problem.

Due to the campus internet outage, on-campus users will not be able to reach the following applications or services:

  • Email
  • Self-Service Banner
  • Outlook
  • Teams
  • Spelshop
  • Banner Admin (which requires VPN)
  • VPN
  • Cable-based streaming

Except VPN, Banner Admin Pages and SpelShop, all applications above can be reached from off-campus locations. As well, connectivity for our phone systems and network drivers have not been disrupted and are working normally. All staff should consult with their supervisors to determine their work arrangements during the outage.

Concerning classes, it is our hope that this interruption of the internet on campus is not too disruptive for the beginning of your courses. During this outage, classes will proceed as scheduled, in their designated classrooms. We ask that instructors be flexible with coursework deadlines for those assignments that require internet access. We will extend add/drop, and the Office of Undergraduate Studies stands ready to work with students on a case-by-case basis.

If your class activities rely on internet access, there may be workarounds that can be facilitated by STS. They can, for example, use an off-campus location to download content on a flash drive and provide it to you for your class session. If slide decks or other media are stored on a laptop or podium computer, they can still be projected in the classroom via the local AV setup (but you will not be able to access anything from the OneDrive or other internet sites). You can still print from computers in your office and lab courses can still use any software installed on lab computers. Please call the STS Office at (404) 270-5400 for classroom assistance as needed.

We understand the challenges this outage is causing and ask for your patience as we work with AT&T toward restoring service.


John B. Wilson, MBA, PMPVice President for Technology Services and CIOSpelman College

Spelman College
350 Spelman Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 30314

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