April 19, 2021

Greetings Spelman Community,

By now you have received the letter from the Atlanta University Center Consortium Council of Presidents communicating the consortium’s decision to require that each member of our community be vaccinated by the beginning of the fall semester.

To come to this decision, Spelman and the AUCC were guided by our intent to provide a safe and healthy environment on campus for students, and members of the faculty and staff, when we resume in person teaching and learning this fall. To inform our decision making, we have relied on the most up to date science and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Georgia State Department of Health and the Fulton County Board of Health.

Through responses to surveys from students and employees, we have learned that a significant number in the Spelman community are already partially or fully vaccinated or plan to be in the coming weeks. Our residential students and employees will continue to have access to vaccinations on campus and in the AUC based on the following schedule:

Residential Student Vaccinations
Wellness Center
Thursday, May 6, Time To Be Determined
Schedule appointments by calling 404-270-5249.

AUC Employee Vaccinations
Morehouse Health Care
Wednesdays, April 21 and 28, 1 – 6 p.m.
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
No walk-in appointments
Schedule appointments, including same day, by calling 404-752-1000.

The College will make accommodations for those who require medical and religious exemptions. There will also be a process to apply for exemptions for a one semester waiver for those who seek them for other reasons. Those applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Our goal is to enable Spelman to restore its residential educational experience and in person classes, and to do so in an environment that is safe and healthy.

Even as we move toward a vaccine protected community, Spelman and the AUC will still require our campus communities to observe COVID-19 safety protocols. We will still wear masks, wash our hands frequently, observe physical distancing and limit numbers in indoor settings. Testing will continue as well.

These protocols will remain in place to provide optimum protection from the virus. The vaccine is highly effective but not 100 percent, and we still do not know its protectiveness against variants. Studies show that the vaccines do prevent serious illness if there is an infection and reduce the risk of passing on the virus to others.

This has been a season of uncertainty. We deeply appreciate your patience and persistence in the face of what we all have been called on to endure. During this past year, your colleagues on the Path Forward Task Force — led superbly well by our Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, Sharon Davies and our Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs, Dawn Alston, with guidance from a world class medical school, Morehouse School of Medicinehave kept themselves informed of the science necessary to their decision making and kept themselves mindful of your health and wellbeing.

As we prepare for fall 2021, we welcome your questions, feedback and ideas. We are preparing ourselves to face a future that enables us to restore our campus to the warm and welcoming teaching and learning environment it has been for the last 140 years.

Be well. Keep the faith.
Mary Schmidt Campbell, Ph.D.
President, Spelman College


Office of the President
Phone: 404-270-5001

Fax: 404-270-5010

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