May 1, 2024

Dear Spelman Community,

After consultation with the Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC) Wellness Committee, epidemiologist and the Council of Presidents, Spelman College and our partner AUCC institutions have aligned with the CDC’s core prevention strategies. New guidance from the CDC brings a unified approach to addressing a wide range of common respiratory viral illnesses such as COVID-19, Flu and RSV.

Please take notice of the highlights below:

COVID-19 Vaccination & Exemption: All AUCC institutions will continue the COVID-19 vaccination policy and the exemption process through the Fall 2024 academic year.  

COVID-19 Isolation Protocol: All AUCC institutions will discontinue the five-day isolation protocol at the end of the Spring 2024 semester.  

Moving forward, community members who test positive for COVID-19 will follow the new CDC guidance. Per the CDC guidance, in the event of a positive COVID-19 test or respiratory viral symptoms, stay home and away from others, perform a self-assessment and seek medical treatment if needed. You may resume normal activities when symptoms are improving and you are fever-free (without the use of fever medication) for at least 24 hours.  

The CDC also recommends taking added precautions for 5 days which include:

  • Medical care: It is essential that community members seek medical care from their health care provider when there are any medical concerns or if symptoms persist. Always follow the guidance and treatment plan of your medical provider.

  • Self-care: Engage in enhanced hygiene practices of hand washing and respiratory care, wear a mask, take steps to improve air ventilation at home and consider getting tested for respiratory viruses. These enhanced self-care precautions are especially important for those 65 years and older, individuals with a weakened immune system or preexisting health conditions and for anyone who may have been exposed to a respiratory virus.

Thank you for continuing to stay adaptable to the ever-changing public health landscape.  

Kind Regards,

Yemi Brown, PharmD
Spelman College COVID-19 Operations

Spelman College
350 Spelman Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 30314

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