Dear Faculty and Staff,
The United Negro College Fund is working hard to secure a source of federal funding for historically Black colleges and universities. As a member of the HBCU, UNCF and Spelman College communities, I invite you to consider helping UNCF safeguard this funding.
On September 30, the legislation that enables Title III funding and entitles Mandatory Title III/ Student Aid & Fiscal Responsibility Act is set to expire. Unless Congress acts, HBCUs will lose $85 million in funding, funding needed to ensure the ability of Spelman and other HBCUs to enhance academic programs in science, technology, engineering and math.
We are currently 14 days away from losing this important support to the HBCU community and minority-serving institutions. If the mandatory funding is not approved, the impact on Spelman is acute, resulting in the College losing approximately $921,000 every year for the next five years.
We thank you for considering the request to complete the UNCF form below, which will help ensure future funding for HBCUs:
1. Go to 2. Click "Write your Member of Congress" 3. Fill out the blank fields and click "Next" 4. Click "Submit."
The pre-written letter will be sent to your member of the House of Representatives and both U.S. Senators.
Taking these actions is a simple and easy way to protect federal resources for HBCUs. In doing so, you will have used your voice to let Congress know that HBCUs matter.
With appreciation,