
October 1, 2019

Greetings Spelman Community,

Last Monday evening, the Spelman College Student Government Association held an excellent town hall to discuss safety at Spelman.

Our student leaders organized a panel that included Spelman's Vice President for Student Affairs Darryl Holloman, Spelman's Director of Public Safety Steve Bowser, Morehouse College Chief of Police Valerie Dalton, Clark Atlanta University Chief of Police Debra Williams, Atlanta University Center Consortium Executive Director Todd Greene and AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library Security Services Manager Diane Wilkins.

The well-attended conversation was filled with helpful information and updates from the panelists, as well as insightful perspectives and questions from students in the audience.

On behalf of the entire Spelman community, I extend thanks to Spelman SGA President Nia Page, C'2020, SGA Vice President Taylor Smith, C'2020, SGA Director of Compliance & Safety Kerlisha Hippolyte, C’2020, and the entire student government association for their leadership in planning and managing this important discussion, an exemplary model of how our campus develops solutions to difficult challenges.

Deep appreciation goes to the town hall panelists for keeping our community safe and informed, as well as to Director of Student Life and Engagement and SGA advisor Aisha Hitson.

By way of an update on Spelman Alert, the College's emergency notification system, we will be sending a test to each enrolled constituent this week. If you are not enrolled, please do via Spelman Alert. If you have enrolled and you do not receive a Spelman Alert test by Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019, please email Ingrid Scurry Lassiter, assistant director of web communications, at

In service,
Mary Schmidt Campbell, Ph.D.

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