June 4, 2021
Dear Classes of 2023 and 2024,
You, the students of Spelman College, are the heart and soul of our institution. After witnessing your abrupt departure from campus some 18 months ago and living with the challenges of remote teaching and learning, we are all eager to welcome you back on campus in the fall. We know that Spelman is a home away from home, a place that embraces you with a sense of community and connections. The news that housing might not be available on campus is deeply and, understandably, disappointing.
There are several reasons why we are not able to offer housing. First, enrollment for this coming year is much higher than expected. Even though we accepted the same number of students, the yield, that is the number of students who accepted our offer, nearly doubled. This increase has led to the Class of 2025 being the largest in the College’s history.
A second reason for the housing shortage is related to COVID-19. Because we continue to adhere to COVID-19 medical protocols, we are required to reserve a number of residence hall rooms for isolation and quarantine. Setting aside quarantine and isolation spaces immediately reduces our capacity for housing.
A third reason is the sheer number of students who decided to request on-campus housing this year compared to years past. Housing received over 1700 housing applications. Because of the constraints of COVID-19, we have 1260 beds available. Demand this year far exceeds our capacity even if we did not have a reduction in the number of beds due to COVID-19.
We recognize the hardship that this situation causes for you, and the College is working hard to find ways to support all of our students to make this a productive year for everyone in our Spelman community. Please be on the lookout for communications from the College with ongoing updates of our progress.
As a community, Spelman is determined to make a way forward.