
October 3, 2023

Dear Spelman Community,

Please be advised that a test of the Emergency Alert System will take place tomorrow across the entire nation, which will result in widespread alerts across various communication devices. The details are below.

FEMA & FCC Nationwide Emergency Alert Test
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Time: 2:20 PM EST
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes

During this time there will be a test alert sent to all consumer cell devices, TVs, and radios. For more details about this test, please refer to the official FEMA announcement.

It is important to note that this is ONLY A TEST. We are providing this advance notice since previous campus-wide alerts have been related to more serious incidents. Our intention is to prevent any unnecessary anxiety or concern when devices sound the alerts simultaneously.

Please share this information with anyone who might not be aware to ensure everyone is prepared and understands the nature of this event. We understand the sensitivities related to sudden alerts, especially considering past events, and we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a smooth experience for all.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.


John B. Wilson MBA, PMP
Vice President for Technology Services & CIO
Spelman College

Spelman College
350 Spelman Lane
Atlanta, GA 30314

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