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February 27, 2019


Happy 50th anniversary to our Dual Degree Engineering Program! Last week, Spelman took advantage of National Engineers Week to present a number of events that mark this auspicious occasion.

With "Engineers Are Amazing," as its theme, the celebration included hands-on activities exploring engineering concepts and technology, and featured a screening of "CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap.” The documentary questions the dearth of American female and minority software engineers and explores the reasons for the gender and racial gap.

Another highlight was the panel, "African-American Women in Engineering,” featuring several Cummins, Inc., engineers and two alumnae, Lauren Love-Wright, C’88, vice president, Network Partnerships Development, Verizon, and Michelle Byrd Fielder, C’83, SW test engineer, Nokia.

As we continue to celebrate DDEP’s 50th birthday, I congratulate the conveners of last week's programming. Thank you to Retina Burton, senior instructor and director of DDEP and the Office of Science, Engineering and Technical Careers,  Letia Wyatt, DDEP program manager at the Atlanta University Center Consortium, as well as the Engineers Week Steering Committee and the members of the DDEP office listed below.

I'd like to send deep appreciation to our sponsors for this week, Cummins, Inc., and Schuyla Goodson Jeanniton, C'87, director of corporate purchasing at Cummins, Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Thank you to our trustee Gena Ashe, C'83, who is a DDEP alumna, and to Cassandra Joseph, Spelman's director of corporate relations and partnerships, for their efforts.

DDEP began as a partnership with Georgia Institute of Technology in the 1968-1969 academic year and has expanded to 14 other schools around the country. Spelman engineering alumnae have excelled at many companies and organizations including Accenture, Boeing, BP, the Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive, Deloitte, ExxonMobil, Google, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Jackson and Tull, Lord Aeck Sargent, NASA, National Science Academy, Nokia, Shell, Southern Company and Verizon.

Stay tuned for details about a formal DDEP 50th anniversary celebration on March 29.

Engineers Week Steering Committee

Jade Chapman, C'2006, DDEP  
Anna Cooks, C'96, DDEP
Jiana Lopez, C'2021, DDEP
Hope Pollonais, C'2009, DDEP
Jacqueline Steger, C'93, DDEP

Dual Degree Engineering Program Office

Khadijah Davis, Senior Administrative Assistant
Tiffini Eugene Jones, C'93, Graduate Assistant
Jaliyah Spann, C'2020

With pride,

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