As we continue to celebrate DDEP’s 50th birthday, I congratulate the conveners of last week's programming. Thank you to Retina Burton, senior instructor and director of DDEP and the Office of Science, Engineering and Technical Careers, Letia Wyatt, DDEP program manager at the Atlanta University Center Consortium, as well as the Engineers Week Steering Committee and the members of the DDEP office listed below.
I'd like to send deep
appreciation to our sponsors for this week, Cummins, Inc., and Schuyla Goodson Jeanniton, C'87, director of corporate purchasing at Cummins, Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Thank you to our trustee Gena Ashe, C'83, who is a DDEP alumna, and to Cassandra Joseph, Spelman's director of corporate relations and partnerships, for their efforts.